Monday, April 23, 2012

I can has husband?

Well, I'm back after a three week break that included The Wedding, Honeymoon and Vacation time before going back to work. I know I've kept a lot of wedding details hush hush as to not ruin any surprises for anyone who might have been reading this but now that the wedding has happened, I think I will begin to spill some of the wedding secrets.

As I think I've mentioned before, I've never been much into wedding planning before I got engaged. I've known people whose goal actually was to just get married and had it all planned out before they even met the guy. I was more of the dream up adventure stories type, not the day dream up possible wedding scenarios (because apparently for me the adventure stories were more exciting). Again, I thought I was going to be the crazy cat lady and never be married so it took a little to get use to the idea that, "Oh, hey, getting married. Need to plan lots of things now." Everything seemed to work out though for the wedding so I'm rather pleased that I didn't have a specific plan for all wedding things since it might have taken away from letting the moments happen.

One of the things I'm probably going to go into a lot of detail here is the dress. How it developed over time from the concept to the final product. I feel rather lucky to say that, "Yes, I did make my own wedding dress" as I know not a lot of people can say that. Posts will probably start to get a little photo heavy come Mondays when I start talking about it. For right now, I'm just going to go over some of the preliminary wedding planning that we did at the beginning.

From the start, here's how we kind of figured out what we needed for the wedding.
1. People.
We needed someone to officiate, someone to be on either side of us and some family/friends at the wedding.

2. Place.
This was up in their air for at least six months in our two year engagement. Should we have it in his home state? My home state? Or where we live now? (And all of these are states away from each other.) We weighed pro's and con's and narrowed it down to where we live now and in the long run, I think it was a smart move. We ended up doing most of the wedding planning ourselves so that was a little difficult but everything worked out in the end.

3. Time/Date.
Okay, to be honest, this is something I had kind of figured out ahead of time. Not the exact date but I had narrowed down the 2012 weekends while at work one day to figure out what would work best before I was even engaged. I guess you could say this was all the  pre-engaged wedding planning I did though we didn't even use any of the weekends I had narrowed down.

These were the main three. As I divulge more details I'll fill how all three of these simple things went together to create something awesome.

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