Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"One year in every four his days shall be reckoned as nine-and-twenty"

I'm going off of my usually Mon & Thurs posting schedule for this very special day.

I've enjoyed listening to Gilbert & Sullivan since high school (back in the 1800's 2000's) and I wish to share with you a song today that seems very appropriate for the 29th of February from the Pirates of Penzance.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Mawwwwwwwage. Actually, it's a wedding that brings you here together, today.

I know I haven't mentioned it yet, but I am getting married in a few months. I still have a lot of planning to do in regards to it and oh, I am making my own wedding dress. (I'll post pictures of the process later.)

Right now, we're working on favors. We've gone through many ideas in regards to a 'theme' for our wedding and I think we're just going to try to make the day into something that we will enjoy.

I'll be honest with you: I never wanted to get married. I never dreamed about having a wedding day. I never dreamed about who I was going to marry because I was convinced I was going to live with lots of cats and be one of those eccentric women until I died. Of course, I may be one of those women until I die but now I am getting married so I need to figure all this stuff out.

I've considered that someday (ten plus years from now) perhaps I should make my own daughters (if I ever have any) think about their wedding day since I've had so much trouble decided on things for my own but I've decided that they (whatever women they may grown up to be) should make their own decisions on things. School was my main concern growing up and then it was college and work. Not boys. Not relationship and definitely not marriage.

Personally, I don't understand the big hoopla over the wedding day. Maybe it's just me but wouldn't you be excited to spend every day with your companion, not just the very first one? True, this is the day you are pledging in front of others that you will keep a vow to your partner but isn't this something you already agreed to on the day you got engaged?

We have been singularly devoted to each other since our first date. There were no others in our relationship that we dated or had short flings with. Of course, we have our ups and down over the past few years but I enjoy the time we have spent together and I am excited to see what else it will hold.

As for these wedding 'themes' and so forth? People can assume we're having a Steampunk Wedding, Classical Wedding or a full out Geeky Wedding but really, what we're doing is a wedding that shows who were are and what we enjoy. Those styles we like? In the wedding. Those dorky things we enjoy? In the wedding. There's no label we're putting on it. I can't say I'm a big fan of labeling everything anyway. It's just gonna be our day and we want to have some fun to it.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Let's talk about Etsy, man.

As you might have guessed, yes, I do have an Etsy. I enjoy the community there and while I haven't sold too many items, I enjoy surfing the site and seeing the creative things that others had made. The vintage items always intrigue me as my parents' house was always full of neat vintage items that they had used for years. I suppose this is why I have always enjoyed 'things'.

I don't know how to explain what 'things' are. They are just items that I find interesting and/or useful that look neat.

I'll post more later about some of my Etsy projects.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

Hello, blog world, I greet you once again. While this is my first time on a blogger blog, I have been journaling on paper or online for over half my life.  This blog will just be dedicated to my arts endeavors, which I will try to document as much as possible. I'll probably post every so often about my gaming adventures in World of Warcraft (and my love of some of their fashions) here as well so this blog will be a combination of things, mostly arts-y related.

And so bloggers, until next time, I bid you adieu.