I thought I would do a little post on my shop and just some of the simple rules I have set up. Most places of work usually have a lot of rules and regulations that you need to follow and obey. Since I run my own business, I really only have a few rules. I don't have to worry about other employees and having a human resource department. I don't have to worry about paying overtime and all that jazz.
At the moment, my shop is a little small and so when I had company over
that was trying to crowd themselves into my little room, I had to shoo
them out while I was working on a project or else it would have just
gotten to be too much in a small space. Not that I am opposed to company
in my shop space, I just couldn't work with a lot of people crowding
around me.
My actual rules are quite simple:
1. You do not eat or drink in the shop. Bottled water is the only item allowed in that can be consumed.
2. Blood, sweat & tears make good items.
That's really it. It's just me, the radio, my machinery and lots of fabric. Maybe someday if I take on more employees there will be more rules but that's all there is to it. I clean up when it's necessary and I take care of my machinery. That's really all that can be said.