Let me just start this post by saying I
hated Archeology.
Hated, the key word there. I really thought it was going to be something else when it first came out and I felt a bit disappointed when I went out and did it for the first time.
"Your find is over here!"
"Actually I've changed my mind. It's over here."
"...Maybe it's over here?"
"Yeah, you're getting closer."
"Not close enough."
"Still not close enough."
"Not yet."
"Okay. Here you go."
And that's just to find one. As I write this, I have just maxed out my Archeology a few days ago and it's been almost a year and a half since Cata launched. I don't know if I can say I still hate Archeology but I think it's just more of a frustrated feeling than a hate. I want rares, just like everyone else and solving artifact after artifact and getting nothing new, can be rather annoying.
I think I may have worked out a system to make it easier on myself. I've started tracking my dig sites in Excel with the items listed for each race and tracking when I found them. Sadly, there's some I haven't found and others I've found at least three times already.
I know it's spelled Archaeology in game but I go back and forth with the spelling of it. |
Keeping track of all this, I've decided to concentrate on certain continents to knock out my finds quicker. I've just finished working on Outlands and am debating on what continent to tackle next. I may take a break to concentrate on some other achievements first as Archeology can quickly get tiring to me. It's really perfect when I'm looking to take a nap as all the flying starts to make me sleepy after a while. It's a bit like reading my Theatre History book in college but I digress, this is about Outlands Archaeology finds.
The first rare I came across in Outlands was the
Headdress of the First Shaman, an Orc Rare if you didn't know already. It is rather lovely, although I have no idea what to do with it as my Hunter and Shaman already have their heirloom helms. I suppose that I can stop farming the
Big Bad Wolf's Head now since this seems to be much better looking on my hunter for transmog possibilities.
Once I sat down and started concentrating on them, I basically knocked out all of my Outlands Archaeology over a three day weekend. Earlier, I had only found four of the twenty finds and it took me thirty finds exactly to get all the Orc and Draenei artifacts available. My last artifact find was the Draenei rare
Arrival of the Naaru and I was pleased when I finally saw that appear after solving common after common find. Overall, it didn't really take that long since Outlands isn't that large itself, so I'm slightly dreading how long it's going to take me to dig everything up in Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and Northrend.
For those of you who are still working on your Draenei and Orc finds, here's a little set up I made in Excel.
Name |
Fragments |
Type |
Discovery Dates |
Notes |
Anklet with
Golden Bells |
45 |
Common |
Arrival of the
Naaru |
124 |
Rare |
Toy |
Baroque Sword
Scabbard |
46 |
Common |
Carved Harp of
Exotic Wood |
45 |
Common |
Portrait |
45 |
Common |
Fine Crystal
Candelabra |
44 |
Common |
The Last Relic
of Argus |
130 |
Rare |
Teleporter |
Plated Elekk
Goad |
45 |
Common |
Scepter of the
Nathrezim |
46 |
Common |
Part of Seven
Achievement |
Strange Silver
Paperweight |
46 |
Common |
Name |
Fragments |
Type |
Discovery Dates |
Notes |
Fiendish Whip |
45 |
Common |
Fierce Wolf
Figurine |
45 |
Common |
Gray Candle
Stub |
45 |
Common |
Part of
The Harder
They Fall
Achievement |
Headdress of
the First Shaman |
130 |
Rare |
Maul of Stone
Guard Mur'og |
45 |
Common |
Part of
The Harder
They Fall
Achievement |
Rusted Steak
Knife |
45 |
Common |
Part of
The Harder
They Fall
Achievement |
Scepter of
Nekros Skullcrusher |
45 |
Common |
Part of
Scepters Achievement |
Skull Drinking
Cup |
45 |
Common |
Tile of Glazed
Clay |
45 |
Common |
Tiny Bronze
Scorpion |
45 |
Common |
Part of
The Harder
They Fall
Achievement |
I love working with Excel. I've charted out so many projects I'm working on in WoW, usually to track my progress towards a goal of rep or achievements. My husband also uses it mainly to track their wins/loses and probability in LFR. Perhaps I can get them to do an article in the future on their charts and numbers that they have come up since they are more mathematically inclined than myself.
For now, these are two pages in my Archaeology Excel book that I can mark as completed. Feel free to use this setup if you like or tweak it to your own liking. Personally, I liked to track the discovery dates as the Archaeology book in WoW only tells your first find date and how many times you've found that item. I like to have the knowledge that "Yes, I just solved this find two months ago and now I have it again and have just solved it twice today. Wee, what a thrill."
For those of you also interested, these are the dig sites in Outlands that I came across:
Netherstorm |
Shadowmoon Valley |
Terokkar Forest |
- Auchindoun/
Ring Of Observance
Zangermarsh |
Peninsula |
- Hellfire Citadel/The Path of Glory
Nagrand |
Shadowmoon Valley |
Terokkar Forest |
I want to say that my least favorite find was Auchindoun/Ring of Observance because of the mounting/dismounting that had to be done flying in and out of the ring. It was rather frustrating after a while. My favorites were Laughing Skull & Burning Blade Ruins as I am also farming Mag'har & Consortium rep so I was able to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.
Overall, it wasn't a terrible an experience as I thought it might be so I may in fact just knock out the rest of my archeology finds over the next few weeks. Of course, once Mists becomes available, I'll probably put this profession on the back-burner again for some time.